ब्रॉडकास्ट इंजीनियरिंग कंसल्टेंट्स इंडिया लि। में 4000 सीटों के लिए भर्ती
ब्रॉडकास्ट इंजीनियरिंग कंसल्टेंट्स इंडिया लिमिटेड (BECIL) (सूचना और प्रसारण मंत्रालय के तहत भारत सरकार का उपक्रम)।BECIL Recruitment 2020, BECIL Bharati 2020
पद का नाम:
1 – कुशल मनुष्यबळ – 2000
2 – अकुशल मनुष्यबळ – 2000
कुल: 4000 सीटें
शैक्षणिक योग्यता:
पद संख्या 1: (i) आईटीआई (इलेक्ट्रिकल / वायरमैन) या इंजीनियरिंग में उच्च तकनीकी डिग्री डिप्लोमा और / या विद्युत सुरक्षा के लिए एक ओवरहेड प्रमाण पत्र। (ii) विद्युत में 02 वर्ष का अनुभव।
पद संख्या 2: (i) 8 वीं पास (ii) 01 साल का अनुभव इलेक्ट्रिकल में।
आयु स्थिति: 18 से 45 वर्ष
नौकरी का स्थान: वाराणसी & नोएडा।
शुल्क: सामान्य / ओबीसी: O 500 / – [एससी / एसटी / पीएच: General 250 / -]
आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि: 12 सप्टेंबर 2020
BECIL Recruitment 2020
Name of post:
1 – Skilled Man – 2000
2 – Unskilled Man – 2000
Total – 4000
Educational Qualifications:
Post No.1: (i) An ITI (Electrical / Wireman) or Higher Technical Degree Diploma in Engineering and / or an overhead certificate for electrical safety. (ii) 02 years experience in Electrical.
Post No.2: (i) 8th pass (ii) 01 year experience in Electrical.
Age Status: 18 to 45 years
Job Location: Varanasi & Noida.
Fee: General / OBC: O 500 / – [SC / ST / PH: General 250 / -]
Last date for application: 12 Saptember 2020
Terms and conditions of employment BECIL Recruitment 2020
Candidates who successfully complete the training program and secure at least 50%Training marks will be considered solely for placement on the basis of agreementGovernment projects like Uttar Pradesh Electricity Distribution Centers are as follows
Terms and Conditions:
1. Candidates applying for the job must have strong physical and mental health and Should not be under the influence of any drug or alcohol during duty and should be complete Knowledge and experience to enable them to accomplish the tasks assigned to them.
If it is It has been found that some damage has been done to the owner’s property Employee, it will be recovered from him and he will be relieved of his job Right away
2. Preference will be given to candidates already interested
The assignment or the “Job Oriented Skill Development Training Program” is completed 33/11 KV Substations and LT / HT Distribution Line and its operation and maintenance
Other related work of any government organization.
The. Employees will be paid according to the minimum wage Act १ 194 8 per (accordingly).
Government of Uttar Pradesh) subject to the amount received from the Headmaster Employer.
E. Contributions to EPF, ESI and all other statutory dues will be deducted
Above the salary of the employees in accordance with the relevant statutory act.
Rural. Workers compensation policy in rural areas where ESI facilities are not available
Will be provided to employees.
Duties. If there is any injury to the employees while performing their duties, they will be
Is entitled to a claim for compensation within the limits provided in the ESI Act and
Personal Accident Policy (up to Rs. 5 lakhs) payable by Nationalized
Insurance company The principal will not pay the owner or any other claim
Prescribed. Selection will be made according to the rules chosen and the number of vacancies may be
Increased or decreased according to the requirements of the principal employer.
The. No TA / DA will be given to the candidates for attending the test / interview.
Post. The location of the posting / duty point can and will be transferable every three months
Desired by Principal Employer / Contractor for the benefit of the work / project
However, the initial posting can be in any circle of the power distribution subscale
Uttar Pradesh.
१०. Selected candidates should bring the original documents of their academic qualification
And work experience aimed at validating documents with two sets
Self-certified photocopy of original documents when joining.
११. The employer and the contractor have the right to cancel all cancellations
Increasing or reducing the number of vacancies as needed
Principal employer without any prior notice
१२. If it is found that any candidate has bribed / financed it in any form or other
His choice, candidacy will be rejected immediately and he will be banned
Apply to any of the Company’s job services in the future. This kind of practice is strictly practiced
Restricted. Do not deposit cash to anyone who claims further
Principal Employer / Contractor Representative.
2. Candidates who have been selected will have to go on any electricity at 5.1.2
Distribution center of Uttar Pradesh BECIL Recruitment 2020