Mumbai Naval Dockyard Recruitment 2019

मुंबई नेवल डॉकयार्ड भर्ती 2019

Mumbai Naval Dockyard Recruitment नेवल डॉकयार्ड, मुंबई ने ITI से पर ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं विभिन्न नामित ट्रेडों में उम्मीदवार (पुरुष / महिला)

कुल: 1233 सीटें
शैक्षिक योग्यता:

(i) 10 वीं पास 50% अंकों के साथ

(ii) 65% अंकों के साथ ITI (फिटर, मशीनिस्ट, वेल्डर, शीट मेटल वर्कर, टेलर, मैकेनिक रीफ एसी, मैकेनिक रेडियो एंड टीवी, डीजल मैकेनिक, पेंटर, इलेक्ट्रीशियन, इंस्ट्रूमेंट। मैकेनिक, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मैकेनिक, इलेक्ट्रोलेटर, फाउंड्रीमैन, प्लम्बर, कारपेंटर, ICTSM, MMTM, बिल्डिंग मेंटेनेंस या समकक्ष)

शारीरिक योग्यता:

1ऊंचाई150 सेमी
2छातीफुलाकर 05 सेमी से अधिक
आयु स्थिति: 01 अप्रैल, 1999 से 31 मार्च, 2006 तक जन्मे [एससी / एसटी: 05 वर्ष की छूट]
नौकरी का स्थान: मुंबई
शुल्क: कोई शुल्क नहीं।


लिखित परीक्षा: नवंबर 2019


ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि: 15 सितंबर, 2019


Mumbai Naval Dockyard Recruitment 2019

Total: 1233 seats
Educational Qualifications:

(i) 10th pass with 50% marks

(ii) 65% marks with ITI (Fitter, Machinist, Welder, Sheet Metal Worker, Tailor, Mechanic Reff. AC, Mechanic Radio & TV, Diesel Mechanic, Painter, Electrician, Instrument Mechanic , Electronics mechanic, electroplater, foundryman, plumber, carpenter, ICTSM, MMTM, building maintenance or equivalent)

NoPhysical Qualification:Requirment
1ChestMore than 05 cm by Exapntion.
Job Location: Mumbai


Fee: No fees.

Written Exam: November 2019

Deadline to apply online:September 15, 2019

Home Guard Bharti Mumbai 2019 Totle 2100 Posts

HOW TO APPLY Mumbai Naval Dockyard Recruitment

(A)Candidates should apply online only at There are no physical forms Will be accepted. Candidates who appeared in ITI last semester and whose Eligible to apply online For such candidates At a later date, apprenticeships will be declared void if they fail in their ITI.

Exam results, when announced during or during the registration process If the trainee is selected.

(B) Candidates are not required to pay any fee for the examination.

(C) Online application, receipt for receipt of acknowledgment Appearance and appearing in the exam does not guarantee designated registration Trades trainee training candidates will be selected on the basis of merit Considering the available vacancies, rank by position, scrutiny of original credentials, clear Police verification report and medical examination etc.

(D) Candidates are not required to send hard copy of application and admit card to Naval The dockyard should be maintained and maintained by those candidates Document verification.

(E) Candidates must check the website for submission Online application and for any updates and changes.

(F) Candidates are required to give their personal valid mobile number and email mail id Receive periodic notifications / updates.

(G) The written examination shall consist of multiple choice question type and OMR answer sheet No negatives based on will be marked.

(H) Promoting of any kind will disqualify the candidates. The selection process will be done Strictly on quality. Candidates are advised not to fall prey to any dishonest factor.

(j) Candidates will be allowed to enter the examination hall with only valid admission Clear photos and signed cards, downloaded and printed by candidates.

When uploading the documents, candidates are advised to have a clear picture of them and to ensure this Signatures have been uploaded to print on the admit card.

(K) Candidates should not attempt to impersonate or seek any impersonation assistance Try to copy any phase of the selection process or from neighboring candidates, books and uses Of any electronic gadget.

(L) any material on the facts will lead to the submission of repressive or forged certificates Rejection of candidacy at any stage of the selection process.

(M) If any candidate is found to be using any inappropriate method at the time of examination

The candidate will be briefly expelled and will not be allowed to appear in any examination / Written Examination taken by Indian Navy in future.

(N) Decision on all matters relating to Admiral Superintendent, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai

Eligibility, acceptance / rejection of any application, allocation of language, examination The center etc. will be final and binding on the candidate and no inquiry / correspondence will take place Entertained in this regard.

(P) any subsequent changes to the investor’s investment terms and conditions According to the existing rules, trade apprentices will be good. Indian Navy reserves the right Include any subsequent changes / changes / additions to the terms and conditions.

Notifications as required and applicable under this Advertising. There will be no coriandium Published on the website

(Q) Candidates who have applied for the written examination should ensure that they have completed it all Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Examination Their access at all stages of the The exam will be completely temporary, to the satisfaction of their prescribed qualifications Situation. If documents are verified, never before or after writing

Examination, it is found that the candidate does not meet any of the eligibility criteria, his / Her nomination should be rejected by the Indian Navy / mi Damiral Superintendent, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai.

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