Swarajya rakshak Sambhaji Today Episode 22 July 2019


In the Swarajya rakshak Sambhaji Today Episode, Hambirrao subsequently convinces Soyrabai to consume some thing. This information spreads in Raigad and everyone is getting equipped for the banquet. Yesubai feeds Soyrabai and the latter is pleased with her daughter-in-law for being so regal and modest on the same time. During their meal, Yesubai discloses, for her Bal Raje is identical to Shiv Chhatrapati.

Soyrabai realises how incorrect she has been inside the beyond for plotting to dethrone Sambhaji. She gives the duty of Bal Raje to Yesubai and Raje, who she thinks will guard him with their existence. The next day, after confessing to her crimes in front of Yesubai, Soyrabai is discovered lifeless in her chambers. Hearing this information, Sambhaji, who’s on his way to satisfy Akbar, has to go back to Raigad.

Aurangzeb is disillusioned that Sambhaji is allying with Akbar. He desires to torture Sambhaji before killing him. Meanwhile, every person is crying about Soyrabai’s death. Bal Raje is feeling responsible for being rude to his mom over the past moments at Raigad. As the surroundings at Raigad is gloomy, Sakvarbai asks Yesubai’s help to stabilise Sambhaji and Bal Raje’s situations.

Akbar is disillusioned that Sambhaji still hasn’t made a move to get in contact with him. He expresses his unhappiness in front of Durgadas who tells him about Soyrabai’s loss of life. The Mughal prince is taken aback to recognize this information but he says Raje must have prioritised his nation over anything else.

Sambhaji is shattered that his mother has exceeded away. He worries extraordinarily about his more youthful brother who’s nevertheless too younger to digest this news. Since this unlucky event passed off after Raje’s communique with Soyrabai, he feels all of the more guilty. He asks Yesubai if Rajmatoshree honestly ever cherished him as her own son. Yesubai doesn’t say anything implying that she became a partial mom. During this communication, Yesubai collapses. She is brought to her chambers through Dhara Aau. She informs Sambhaji that he is going to come to be a father.

Aurangzeb has started out bribing the Deccan infantrymen to turn them towards Sambhaji. This information reaches Sambhaji through his undercover agent community. To retaliate, Raje and his infantrymen decide to assault Aurangzeb smooth spot, that is, Prince Akbar.

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